Security Services for Southern Saskatchewan

Security Cameras, Security Alarms & Monitoring

How to Prevent Rural Crime with Technology

Increase in theft and property damage in rural Saskatchewan

Rural Security Solutions Estevan Weyburn

There was a time when a simple sign on a fence worked.

Years ago, many farms didn’t even have locks on their doors. They felt safe at night and when they went away, the door was always open. The same came to their workshops, and equipment storage buildings and vehicles themselves. The keys were always left in the vehicles and equipment so you knew where they were.
With the surge in drug use and addictions has come a surge in crime. Often the crime is no longer happening when people are not home. Home invasions and vehicle and property thefts are happening when occupants are home. This is a scary trend.
There are things that can be done to mitigate these risks. At Assurance Security we offer various forms of security and consulting services.
The use of Closed Caption TV (CCTV) or surveillance cameras used to be out of reach of affordability. With the high values of assets and equipment now on our large farms, there is a lot worth protecting.
Installing cameras to cover your shop, vehicles, fuel tanks and more. Anything else you want to protect. Cameras like most products fall into the Good, Better and Best categories. So depending on your budget and the quality of recorded images you want to be able to retrieve. This will influence your decision.
There are options for wireless cameras and network cameras. Systems that will beam the signal from building to building without having to run wires. Usually, this only requires electrical power at each building. In some cases, there are camera systems that are 100% wireless and run on batteries.
Cameras, when used in conjunction with monitored alarm systems. Provide add another level of security. Now Cameras and alarms won’t stop all criminals from touching your property. It can reduce the time they spend on your property. As well, reduce the level of damage and loss that might have occurred.
The one thing it gives you is peace of mind. Notifications sent of any issues. Having the option to have your cameras monitored via your smartphone or tablet. Where internet connections with enough speeds are available.

Alarm systems can also add home automation features.

Along with environmental protection like:
  • Low Temperature
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Smoke
  • High Heat and
  • Flood Protection.
Technology is forever changing and evolving. If you haven’t looked into these things lately, there might be a perfect solution.
Assurance Security can provide for you that wasn’t available as little as 1 year ago.
Assurance Security & Cell Phone Signal Boosters